by Jordi Alonso
for Sarah Azzara
Some say they’re three, some ten—most say there’s nine:
I’ll be your muse, my dear, if you’ll be mine.
Transform a college room into a den
of words, silk, whiskey, music, and design.
Your heartbeat through a sounding box of bone
reverberates through twill and skeins of twine.
Who doesn’t love a laid-back Saturday,
an evening spent discussing want with wine?
Just keep this songlet close. It’s yours to take—
and know that there’s no need for me to sign.

Dr. Jordi Alonso holds an AB in English from Kenyon College, an MFA from Stony Brook University and a PhD in Victorian poetry from the University of Missouri. He is an MA student in Classical Studies at Columbia University studying nymphs and late antique epic poetry. His work has appeared in Kenyon Review Online, Colorado Review, The Southampton Review, Levure Littéraire, and other journals. Honeyvoiced, his first book, was published by XOXOX Press in 2014, and his chapbook, The Lovers’ Phrasebook, was published by Red Flag Poetry Press in 2017.