
(Xinhui, Guangdong Prov.) Photo: © 2001 George Kunze
between future and past /
closing now
After years /
The pink skin
smooth and sudden young bridge
—Karin de Weille ("The Gash")
Live Performances/Recording Sessions
including Lyric Recovery Festival at Carnegie Hall
Judge, Alfred Corn's selections of top three, announced at Carnegie on March 27:
1st: "Rhomboid" by Bertha Rogers of Treadwell, New York
2nd: "Dutch Interior: The Artist and His Model" by Gyorgyi Voros of Blacksburg, VA
3rd: "Lentils" by Pete Wolf Smith of NYC
List of LyR Quarter-Finalist, SemiFinalist, and Finalist, Poem Titles
Complete Results by Title/Author
Watch for the print version release of Big City Lit's collection for 2001.
Thurs, Mar 7, 7:00 Free Sarah Lawrence College, the third in our "Degrees of Apprenticeship" series on MFA programs, records at the KGB Bar (85 E 4). Thomas Lux and special guest (our Pushcart nominee), Meredith Sue Willis (Jul'01), join students, recent grads, and faculty to record the March feature.
Thurs, Mar 14, 7:30 $15, 12 James Ragan (Womb-Weary, The Hunger Wall, Lusions) has read for five heads of state including Gorbachev. His work has been translated into a dozen languages. He appears with Maureen Holm and Tobias Deehan in Makor's "Poetry & Mentorship" Series. 35 W 67th St. Call (212) 601-1010 to reserve/prepay at $12. (A 92nd St Y literary program center.)
Fri, Mar 15, 6:45 $7 Meet and read for James Ragan at reception hosted by 'La Plume' Reading Series at Center for Book Arts. Brian Mallon, star in national tour production of Frank McCourt's "The Irish
And How They Got That Way," performs in Irish and Welsh. Singer/songwriter David Francis on 12ing guitar. 28 W 27th St. Info: (212) 864-2823.
Sat, Mar 23, 4:00 $7 Semifinal Round Competition for Lyric Recovery Festival award. Poets House, 72 Spring St. Info: (212) 864-2823 or (212) 431-7920
Wed, Mar 27, 7:30 $25, 22, 16 Lyric Recovery Festival at Carnegie Hall 2002. Call (212) 864-2823 for advance seating or Carnegie Charge (212) 247-7800 after February 15 (surcharge applies). James Ragan and William Wadsworth feature. Judge: Alfred Corn. Submission deadline: Mar 15. Top prize: $1000. Program includes new musical settings, multivoice, verse theatre, and dance premieres choreographed by Ginger Thatcher (in collaboration with Dances Patrelle).
Thurs, Apr 12, 7:00 $8 Ruth-Miriam Garnett, guest editor of our April feature, "I am thee," is joined by contributors Mervyn Taylor, Sylvie Kandé, and other leading Black writers, as we record. Composer Paul Winston discusses and plays excerpts from his ballet based on the Black legend of Staggerlee, a waterfront bully pursued by the ghost of his murder victim. At Teachers & Writers Collaborative, 5 Union Square West, 7th Fl. (212) 691-6590. Web site:twc.org.
Call for submissions:
(Note: List is not restrictive nor preclusive of other themes.)
9/11 and related events; Erotica; Poems on Paintings; Dramatic Monologue; Colors; Epigrams; Self-Portrait; Shoes (socks optional); Moving/Motion; Dust; Corridors; Father; Insects; Cemeteries; Smoking; Cuba; Infanticide.
Consult Submissions for guidelines,Masthead for editorial policy, also Bridge City Lit
and Big City, Little pages. Query first on articles over 750 words.
In This Issue: March 2002
To mark the six-month anniversary of the attack on the towers, we present a selection of photographs, poems, essays, and fiction:
Living in the Falling Apart as Gathering the Storm . . .
The third in our "Degrees of Apprenticeship" Series, thirty-eight contributors from the Sarah Lawrence MFA Program make for a double-size collection. (Poems by Thomas Lux appear separately.) Our hand-picked Twelve page features the translucence in turbulence of Laura Sherwood Rudish. The cumulative Big City, Little page adds a piece on the Twin Cities by Michael Gause. The new Amsterdam page of Bridge City Lit is live and inviting as we prepare Berlin, Chicago and Minneapolis/St. Paul pages.
Fiction/Short Prose:
Our 12-piece sampling of fiction and short prose by Sarah Lawrence MFA's ranges from Scotland (Ann Hudson's "The Kinnamores") to Australia (Alistair Ong's "Great
Mother June"), recounting human practices magical—in those two stories—to murderous (Lynn Pitts's "The Top Story: Hot Biscuitt"), maudlin (Rachel Granfield's "An Approximation of Snow"), malevolent (Courtney Garnaas's "Talk, Tarantulas,
"), manipulative (Alyssa Pelish's "Daniel"), make-shift (Alison Weatherby's "Sally"), malnutritious (Michelle Wildgen's "A Peach,
"), and dangerously mundane (April Kao's "Caught").
The art of interior monologue is demonstrated in Elizabeth Connaughton's persona, embarrassingly dead to her stranger-of-choice on a train ("Another Awkward Situation"), while the voice of Luann Jacobs's "Nothing's More Innocent Than Desire" wonders aloud at the expanding universe of the rail stop she got out at. Guilty of it surely, Alyssa Pelish's Sarah, unspeaking, unspoken to since Valentine's, now barefoot and clothed in violet rebuff, bears an armful of withered lovegrass to the center of the lake's shuddering, end-of-March thaw ("Out a Maid").
In an essay about the great flooding by the Mississippi during Watergate, Gretl Claggett shows us what disaster-area news accounts never would: the town's dead drunk. Naturalized American, Kuniko Katz, sees a young Afghan refug�e and relives the B29 devastation of her girlhood town in 1945. Diane Travers is set adrift upon the dissolution of her marriage, but channels into the elaborate system of transitional locks between death and reincarnation. A latecomer to religious faith, Alexandra Lehman is embraced by the congregation of an historic Hudson River church. Though she survived Nazi occupation (and, as an immigrant mother-to-be, successfully interviewed for grad school in 1958), Theresa Cahn-Tober sweats a gourmet lunch with SLC decision-maker, Vijay Seshadri.
Dialogue: The Spine of Fiction
by Meredith Sue Willis
Adjectives: 'And made it fresh in a world of white'
by Ellen Bryant Voigt
As Ernest Hemingway demonstrated to the point of parody, the noun is the strongest part of speech. . . . It is precisely their location IN the subjective that makes adjectives indispensable to Plath's lyric, just as the discursive poem needs its nouns to chew on, the narrative its verbs.
Straight Shootin': Logical Relationships Among Sentences
by Tim Scannell
Inasmuch as there are but eighteen (18) logical relationships among sentences, the import of one needs to push—sensibly—into the next.
Wordspace: An Innovative System of Writer Training
by Paul Pierog
Staying in the Here-and-Then
by Maureen Holm, Sr. Essayist & Articles Ed.
The New York Times is replete with pluperfect bloopers, the Now Nation in a headlong rush into the prematurely past.
A Little Primer on What & How
by Thom Ward (from Feb'01)
What is 'Lyric'?
Huddled since mid-century as "global village" around a dominant source of imagery, sound, even meaning, we must make uncommon use of language to ferry us beyond its perimeter to the essential, shared harmonics.
Ten Mile Meadow Project:
A Conservatory of Land and Language (with photos).
A NYSCA Decentralization Program funding award was presented to chief organizer, The Author's Watermark, at the State Assembly in Albany on February 12.
Cut-Ups on The Bukowski Bus
by Tim Scannell
He fits the disclaimer of the editors at Nerve Cowboy, who invite work, "
disturbing enough to make us all glad we're not the author of the piece."
Bukowski wrote and rewrote four or five poems. He is, simply put, a media creation of the alternate zine world itself.
Reviewed in brief:
6ix, Vols. 7 and 8, 2001 and Alice Notley's Disobedience
by Bill Kushner
Interviews: Galway Kinnell
What a Kingdom It Is by Daniela Gioseffi (Part Two of Two)
At the end of the Iliad, Priam crosses over the lines of war to meet Achilles. The two enemies reach an almost loving understanding. We need to understand the possibilities for evil in ourselves, and not write so much from lofty, self-righteous perches, in order to achieve a believable authenticity.
Series on Series:
Reach, Craft, Content and Musicality
Criteria for The Lyric Recovery Festival Award at Carnegie Hall
Series/Event Reviews:
Waking Up Again in Winter:
The Manhattan Review's21st Anniversary Issue and Reading at Poets House (02/04)
Emily Grosholz and Eleanor Wilner at the Roerich (02/19)
by Nicholas Johnson, Sr. Poetry Ed.
Long Shot's Tribute to Gregory Corso
by George Wallace
A Feast at the 2002 Starvy Awards in Nashville
by John Gosslee
Free Expression:
Legal Forum:
John Walker Lyndh: The Indictment
Print Series:
Pending the load of a complete listing, please query regarding availability of monograph reprints of work appearing in June's Vietnam and other issues.
We are preparing Big City Lit's collection for 2001.
Currently on the publisher bidding block is Down Dream Road, a brand-new novel by George Wallace, editor of The Long Island Quarterly and poetrybay.com.. Chapter One appears here.
Other Arts: Modern Dance
Anna Halprin at the Joyce Theatre
by Zoe Artemis
The basic theme of 'Be With' is Life's Heart-Wrenching Journey: aloneness, caring, love, subdued violence, sensuality, relationships, and death.
(The editors invite for publication well-written letters or speakeasy pieces on any topic of concern or interest to the magazine's readers. See Letters Page for length, language, and other details.)
Poetry Chapbook:
The magazine invites submissions of 16-24 pages of (primarily) unpublished poems, including title page, table of contents, acknowledgments, and bio note. Format: MSW 98 or 95 TNR 12 (14 for titles; initial caps only). Send hard copy (separate page for each title, but not section) with disc, SA postcard, and $15 check or money order to Big City Lit, Contest/Poetry, Box 1141, Cathedral Sta. NY 10025. MSS not returned; all work considered for magazine publication. Postmark deadline: May 31, 2002. Winner and honorable mentions announced in August. Publication by Headwaters Press, NY, cash award, plus magazine-sponsored reading and awards presentation in New York.
Individual Poem:
Relevant guidelines, as above, apply. Fee: $5/poem.
Relevant guidelines, as above, apply. Fee: Shorts (to 1000 wds) $10; standard (to 3500) $15; long (6000 max.) $20. Awards and magazine publication in each length category. Unpublished manuscripts only.
~ . ~ The magazine is intended to be read in Palatino, and preferably in Netscape. ~ . ~
Note to contributors: To cite your work in the Archive,
indicate the month, e.g. Jun2001/contents/poetrydusk.html.
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