Said No One Ever by Gregory Crosby

by Pamela L. Laskin                      Gregory Crosby’s latest collection of poetry, Said No One Ever, is a nostalgic journey back through popular culture, music, art, form, birth and transformation as he explores the ghosts and the music of language. Ghosts since so many people Crosby has known and loved have died, and the way he keeps them

He Called for Mama

by Pamela L. Laskin In memory, George Floyd Eight minutes on his chest he called for Mama now George Floyd is dead he called for Mama in heaven now with God and also Mama Black boys still harassed without their Mamas children they are bruised without their Mamas while others in their graves with tears

Wisteria and Weeds

by Pamela L. Laskin Going to grow a gorgeous garden with wisteria blooming between begonias and roses ripe with longing. I had the seeds, the soil. All was ripe for blossoming. even the way I measured the distance between where the seeds were planted. How could I have known the heat was venomous, the waters