by John Franklin Dandridge
Our grandfather
told us he was a
superhero when we
asked about the backwards
question mark tattooed
over his heart. And
we believed him,
even though people
portrayed him as a villain.

John Franklin Dandridge received his M.F.A. in Poetry from Columbia College Chicago. His chapbook, Further Down Rd., was published by Fast Geek Press. He is a past recipient of the Lannan Award and has poems published in past issues of Callaloo Journal, Rigorous Journal, New Reader Magazine, Allium, Court Green and Former People. Franklin lives and writes near the North Pond in Chicago, where he also plays in the electronic music band, Screamship. John Franklin’s current works in progress include a science-fiction novel series, Bastard of Chivalry, a novel, It’s Too Crowded On This Bus to Dance, and an album, Axis baby.