by Madeleine Beckman
I was at the Mudd Club
you were too probably
or with another young artist
high (most of us were)
on something potent but
not as potent as youth.
I was probably dancing
(what I did back then). Music was my drug, movement
my master –
every muscle, tendon taut, tantalized
in that den lacking light
humid with sweat flesh against flesh
alcoves thick with smoke
and schemes
lovers and yes
fantasies following us
into the morning light on White Street.
We were wired back then
beyond imagination.
I was at Castelli, 420
around the corner from my front door.
A woman in her 20s can move
seamlessly through dimensions
time was undefined
laughter came easily.
You were there too probably
with other young artists.
We were unstoppable
our powers growing
with each new challenge
each new possibility.
Did you ever look across a gallery
loft, café in my direction?
Did I ever look back?
Imagine the rooms we’d need to scan
subway cars, clubs, museums
imagine the rooftop parties – music blasting
into the air over bodegas and gas stations
imagine the heat or cold against my back
against the door of your truck in winter
the brick wall outside Florent in summer.
No one would have noticed our bodies
lit from within at night.
I’d like one moment
to glance you across the room
soak in the desire
fire coursing through me
the clock not a thought because
I had all the hours
all the energy
all the courage
lived on a dare.
I’d like a moment to feel
our eyes our bodies
speak the pull of want
before all the faded dreams, missteps
excruciating pain
crashed the party (as it does).
Still, I’d repeat it all persist
as I did find you
as I did.

Madeleine Beckman is a poet, fiction and nonfiction writer. She is the recipient of awards and grants from, among other places, Poetry Society of America, New York Foundation for the Arts, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Fundación Valparaíso, Zvona i Nari, King’s College, Ragdale, and St. Petersburg Artist Residency. Her poetry collections include Hyacinths from the Wreckage; No Roadmap, No Brakes; and Dead Boyfriends. Her work has been published in journals, anthologies, and online. She has also published articles about poetry and poets including interviews with Galway Kinnell, Stanley Kunitz, Seamus Heaney, James Lasdun, Cornelius Eady, Audre Lorde, and Jean Valentine. Madeleine is Contributing Editor for the Bellevue Literary Review; she teaches Narrative Writing at NYU School of Medicine/Division of Medical Humanities, and Creative Writing for Denver University. For more information, contact: