by Victoria Twomey
I can say I walked a while with you
and dreamed within your dream-
that you welcomed in my heart
like a wounded gypsy at your door
Yes, I can say you fed me as if I were a sacred part of you,
once lost and left behind
Companions on this tangled road,
you played your secret violins for me
and I, my skittering flute for you
Around the fire of the sharing circle,
we sang old and buried words for the first time
letting them rise to freedom with the ashes
How can I forget you
when I have known that budding part we shared-
full of courage
full of hope
longing to blossom in the Spring

Victoria Twomey is a poet and an artist. She has appeared as a featured poet at various venues around Long Island including the Hecksher Museum of Art, The Poetry Barn, Barnes & Noble, The Pisces Cafe, Borders Books and local radio. Her poems have been published in several anthologies, in newspapers and literary journals, including Sanctuary Magazine, BigCityLit, Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, the Tipton Poetry Journal, The Agape Review, “For Better or For Worse” (PoetWorks Press), “Haiku One Breaths” (Allbook Books), “Long Island Sounds 2005 & 2006” (North Sea Poetry Scene Press), the PPA Literary Review, the Northport Observer, The Long Island Quarterly and the North Shore Woman’s Newspaper. Her poem, “Pieta,” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.