Wolf Shadow

by Shira Dentz They say we went out on a limb, rustling more than flame between cracks, heat-packs. Moonlight hides, someone wrote as if the truth shows itself once a month, on schedule. The same goes for the entire secret. They say shadows are clues, nothing more. : : They say shadows are clues, nothing

Bird at Window

by Stan Rubin I will wait all morning until the magpie finally breaks through the glass on its twenty-fifth try or twenty-eighth, who knows how many there’ve been, bird attacking glass again and again just because he sees his own reflection and mistakes it for a mate. But he’s magnificent in the persistence of his

Why I Quit 6 AM Yoga

by Stan Rubin The way heart and soul are transformed to Wisdom is not as the yogi promised in the rented space in the shopping center where students gather before work to test the body, its garland of pains and spoilage that is never ending. ii. You must practice continually, to reach the place where

White Boys

by Simran Singh Jain I have this bad habit of searching for myself inside of blue eyes. I expect to gaze into them and see myself skinny dipping, swimming the backstroke and laughing as I let my hair straighten out in our private pool water. Or perhaps the bad habit is that I’m shocked every


by Kathleen Hellen He says he checked the tires. The battery for free. A less complicated being? Unlike me, asking where he dumped the oil, under the gray hydraulic lift. Where he drained the antifreeze. I know the planet’s bubbling hot, sopping up the ice sheet, a million species headed toward extinction like the auk.

The Necessity of Lancing

by Greg Huteson Lance the boil on your calf. If it’s necessary, pinch it as you grit your teeth and gasp while staring at the shuddering wall. Have a cotton kerchief handy to absorb the pus and swab the cinctured wound, the wet that courses down your luckless leg. Have the kerchief ready also for