Dedicated to Nicholas Johnson and Maureen Holm, co-founders of BigCityLit

by Nicholas Johnson

All families have their lore, their mystery
and nostalgia to put on movie screens.
My Lady of the Cinema still screams
out for revenge, love, abuse; she leaves me
to contemplate the ruins, the old house and sea.
Where is the bright light sent to intervene
and save us from our loud and squabbly scenes?
These minor parts are still the parts of history.
Oh the sea, the sea, who’s crying in this hurricane?
I look for you, for signs along the way.
Others pass me by but listen to me sing.
The wind out here sounds totally insane.
A good time is not enough for me I say.
The wind, rain, sand in my face just plain sting.

Originally published in Poetry in Performance #39, Annual Spring Poetry
Festival, The City College of New York, 17 May 2011, Edited by
Gregory Crosby and Lynn Dion, p. 204.