by Drew Pisarra
Like most refrigerators, I run alone.
Ignoring the cowardly order of things,
the cluttered shelves and two empty drawers
that make up this life, I shut the one door
that leads to the hallway of strangers.
My friends left hours ago. Some say, years.
I now fondle the asp of Egypt as if
it were a joke. But it’s still got fangs.
Put your hand in the icebox and see
for yourself. Cold brings a pleasant end.

A featured poet in the two-day reading marathon hosted by A Gathering of the Tribes for The Whitney Biennial 2022: Quiet As It’s Kept, Drew Pisarra is the author of Infinity Standing Up (2019), a collection of sonnets c/o Capturing Fire Press, You’re Pretty Gay (2021), a short story collection c/o Chaffinch Press, and The Strange Case of Nick M. (2021), a radio play commissioned by Imago Theatre and first broadcast on K-BOO FM. Additionally, he is a literary grantee of both the Cafe Royal Cultural Foundation and Curious Elixirs: Curious Creators.