by Angie Dribben
Seems especially us white women
like to shout, The problem
with this world
is the men running it.
Perhaps it is because we slog
beneath the horrors
we commit in our own privilege.
After all, it was our plumed Victorian hats
and all the feathers we stuck in them
that nearly eradicated the Snowy Egret.

Angie Dribben’s debut collection, Everygirl, a finalist for the 2020 Dogfish Head Prize, is out with Main Street Rag in May 2021. She is Contributing Reviews Editor at Cider Press Review. Her poetry, essays, mixed media, and reviews can be found or are forthcoming in Cave Wall, EcoTheo, Crab Creek Review, Crack the Spine, and others. Her poetry is widely-anthologized.
You can read more of her work at
You can also find her on social media here:
Instagram: @angiedribben
Twitter: @angeladribben