Poetry Editor: Elizabeth Morse
Fiction & Nonfiction Editor: Thaddeus Rutkowski
Associate Editors: Barry Wallenstein, Richard Levine
Webmaster: Charlynn Schmiedt
Founders: Nicholas Johnson and Maureen Holm
Past Editors
Poetry: Alyssa Yankwitt (2019-2024)
Fiction & Nonfiction: Christopher Cappelluti (2019-2024)
Contact us: Please address all inquiries to
Statement of Editorial Policy
The editors attach paramount significance to artistic merit and diversity of expression.
Merit notwithstanding, we will decline work which in our estimation subverts art to agenda, political or otherwise; diversity of expression is circumscribed by settled principles of U.S. First Amendment and analogous foreign jurisprudence and further by editorial discretion.
Work accepted for publication will ordinarily appear as scheduled, but may be deferred by editorial prerogative for up to six months. We reserve the right to reject query-accepted or commissioned manuscripts which are delivered late or in unsatisfactory condition.
All texts are subject to close editorial attention, both as to content and to form. Unless explicitly reserved, submission constitutes the grant to us of a broad, non-exclusive license to exploit work (including audio and visual work) for related purposes in a manner not inconsistent with copyright protections and other applicable law. Contributors may authorize reprints conditioned upon notice and magazine attribution.
Copyright and Trademark Notice
All text, visual, audio, and graphic material contained herein is proprietary. Copyright reverts to author upon publication. Subsequent reprints of work must include BigCityLit acknowledgment.
BigCityLit Donations Request
Many thanks to all the donors who have made this issue possible. BigCityLit needs donations to continue publication as all donated funds go to webmaster fees. If you would like to donate, please email us at
Thank you for your consideration; any donations are greatly appreciated. Though we are non-profit, we are not yet registered as such.