Copper Canyon Press

News on rebuilding
Lower Manhattan

Jan '04
'What We Have'

Nov '03
Intermediating Surfaces

Sep '03
Personal Faith, Public Expression
Ottoman Strategic
Map of Vienna (1683)

Jul-Aug '03
Newsstand Issue
Monsters & Self-Portrait
Cedar Chair by Romancing the Woods

Jun '03 'Strands of the Hammock'
Cedar Bridge by Romancing the Woods

May '03 'A-Maying'
Lower Manhattan (Patrick Henry)
 Catskill Mountain Foundation (Hunter)
 Granted June 2002 |


Big City Lit Call for Submissions Spring 2007
We are now accepting submissions, including poems (previously published work
considered), articles, book and movie reviews, and fiction, for our new Spring 2007 issue of
Big City Lit.
All work should be sent in the email field, in simple Word, with no attachments
unless requested, to one of the email addresses below: or
For more information, see Submission Guidelines on the current sidebar.
Note: If you have submitted work to us and have had no response, resubmission is necessary.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
The Editors
Wroxton Writers’ Retreat
Alfred Corn Director
June 4 -- June 9, 2007
A five-day poetry course in a beautiful setting in Oxfordshire.
Wroxton Abbey, now Wroxton College of Fairleigh Dickinson University, is a 17th century country estate
three kilometres west of Banbury, an easy drive to Oxford and to Stratford upon Avon. Housing is comfortable
and quiet, each room provided with a private bathroom, most en suite. Rooms are on the second and third level,
with no lift. Staff provide well-cooked meals, with vegetarian option. Morning and afternoon coffee and tea available.
Computer room with Internet connection and exercise room are located in the basement. The library, with works in many
disciplines, may be used by students, as well as the reading room, which takes daily newspapers.
Fifty-seven acres of park with pond and gardens. Five-minute walk to Wroxton hamlet, which has two pubs.
Forty minute walk to Banbury through lush countryside. The emphasis here is on writing, therefore group activities
will be kept to a minimum.
To see pictures of Wroxton Abbey go to: http://view.fdu/default.aspx?id=329
The course consists of morning workshops with Anne-Marie Fyfe, whose most recent poetry collections are
The Ghost Twin and Tickets from a Blank Window. For many years she has organised the Coffee-House Poetry
readings and writing classes at the Troubadour Coffee-House in London’s Earl Court.
She founded creative-writing at the John Hewitt Summer School in Ireland, has been writer-in-residence at
Aldeburgh Poetry Festival, and is currently Chair of the Poetry Society.
An afternoon tutorial may be scheduled with Anne-Marie Fyfe, and Alfred Corn is available for consultation as well.
Alfred Corn, a U.S. citizen, has published nine books of poetry, the most recent, Contradictions.
In 2005-2006, he taught a course for the Poetry School in London and one for the Arvon Foundation, Devon.
Guest poet Craig Raine will give a reading during the week. His Collected Poems 1978-2000 appeared in 2000.
He was poetry editor at Faber and is now Fellow in English at New College, Oxford and editor of Arete.
His essays are Haydn and the Valve Trumpet (1991) and In Defence of T S Eliot (2000). His new book T S Eliot
was published by OUP NY and OUP in 2007.
The week concludes with a student reading.
Five nights, full room and board, and the course, : £ 525.
Arrival Monday, June 4 after 2:00 pm, departure, June 9 after breakfast.
Contact: Because of demand, a selection will have to be made among applicants, who should send three poems
and a brief CV to Alfred Corn, before May 7, 2007.
Saturday, April
2nd, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Big City Lit
Baggot Inn
82 West 3rd
Dear Friends,
We are saddened to learn of the death of Maureen Holm, poet and
linguist, born September 4, 1951; died January 7, 2005.
uttered a tree
in its reach.
Maureen is survived by her four siblings and her partner, poet
Nicholas Johnson.
Maureen Holm was a great friend to writers. She was the co-founder,
senior essayist and articles editor of Big City Lit, the monthly
literary magazine
She was a principal in Philophonema, an international consortium of
working professionals in the language, music, and visual arts, which
produces the Lyric Recovery Festival at Carnegie Hall. Several of
Maureen's arias and poem settings were performed there. Maureen's
translations ranged from Eliot's The Waste Land and Martin Luther's texts
for the Bach Cantatas to renderings of W. S. Merwin and James Ragan.
Recent contributions of her original work in German and French appeared
in the Adirondack Review, Drunken Boat, and Niederngasse. Apart from
publications in many journals, her poetry honors included the 2003
Medicinal Purposes Literary Review Award, the Rogue Scholars Sublimed
Award (fifth place), the Ann Stanford Award sponsored by the University
of Southern California (honorable mention), and the 2002 Bright Hill
Press Poetry Book Award (honorable mention).
Essays and literary criticism appeared most recently in Paris/Atlantic,
lagniappe (SUNY Buffalo), and Midnight Mind. She also wrote novels,
short stories, and plays, including verse fables.
Maureen held degrees in German literature and philosophy, as well as
law (JD) and international business (LLM). She frequently addressed
First Amendment issues. Maureen was a featured poet, with Nicholas
Johnson, at Bright Hill's Word Thursdays reading series in 2003. Word
Thursdays, and Big City Lit will present memorial readings of Maureen's
works, and those about her, in the spring.

"Peonies" (Sooz)
A globe besieged by merciless ants
a cloudburst of open resistance—
Live Performances/Recording Sessions/Radio Broadcasts
Watch for the print version release of Big City Lit's collection for 2003.
Summer: Big City Lit collaborates with The Author's Watermark (Medusa) to continue its writers series in rural Albany County at newly renovated, historic Conkling Hall,
the libraries at Rensselaerville, Westerlo, Middleburgh, and at Preston
Hollow Bookstore. This season's focus is "Voices in Revolution," a
convention we intend to turn on its ear, with Chicagoan Robert Klein Engler (July 10-11) and Yorkshire poet, essayist and painter Patrick Henry
(August 14-September 6). The magazine also participates in the book
fair at the Mountain Culture Festival at the Catskill Mountain
Foundation in Hunter (July 10-11), displaying its Print Series and a
hundred other titles. Robert Klein Engler will moderate a panel
composed of George Wallace, Tree Swenson and others.
Mon., July 12, 6 p.m.: Robert Klein Engler, contributors to Big City Lit's JulAug newsstand issue, and award-winners from Lyric Recovery 2004 read at Cornelia Street Café. $6 admission includes drink.
Call for submissions:
(Note: List is not restrictive nor preclusive of other themes.)
Epigrams; Moving/Motion; Dust; Corridors;
Insects; Cemeteries; Smoking; Infanticide; Montreal/Quebec (surtout francophone); Surrealism;
Timepieces; Kites; Suicide; 'Lovesick'; Hands and Gloves; Wells; Windmills; and Small Town Wherewithal.
(Bolding indicates features which are scheduled to appear very soon.)
Consult Submissions for guidelines, Masthead for editorial policy, also Bridge City Lit
and Big City, Little pages. Please query first on articles over 750 words.
Note: An upgrade by our host compromised email service for weeks.
Please use alternative email:
In This Issue: June 2004
month's feature is "Sharing Space with Light," with contributors
Matthew Spireng, Marlene Vidibor, Simon Perchik, and others. Our
hand-picked Twelve 12 page features work by Christopher A. Miller, Iain Britton, Alec Firicano, Scott Cohen, and Colin James.
Fiction/Short Prose:
In this excerpt from Robert Klein Engler's "Up River," a Victorian
parlor invention helps a flat interior appear three-dimensional.
Special: Longer Draughts
Al Gore's 5/26 Speech at NYU:
How the Bush administration promised humility and delivered humiliation.
Images of the Antipodes
by Patrick Henry
Raw, awkward, ironic mixtures, as in Nolan and Boyd, bedevil the Australian artist, never to be neat, consistent or conclusive.
Highly Recommended:
Notebook: "That's Why the Lady is a Champ"
by Lewis Lapham (on National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice) and
"Beyond Fallujah: A year with the Iraqi resistance" by Patrick Graham
in the June '04 issue of Harper's
Get Smarty
A win in the Derby is a triumph in the sport of kings. A win in the
Belmont is a slam-down in a sweaty contest of knaves. Early in his
career, the famously eccentric Whirlaway bared his teeth and bit a midetch rival, thereby convincing his prospective buyer that he had the right stuff.
Joyce Emerson's Seagate
From Contemporary Poetry Review:
Editor, Garrick Davis's The Lasting Importance of The Cantos"
[T]he incoherent form of The Cantos is due to the incoherent
philosophy of the author. Pound forced himself to write the one poem
which least suited his sensibility, since he lacked precisely that
quality which is indispensable to the epic poet: a unified vision of
the world. . . . [There] will always be a coterie [who]
discover in it . . .the very frontiers which modern
poetry reached before it passed beyond the understanding of any reader.
"Under Empty Skies Falconers Weep" by Stephen Schwartz, a discussion of modern Slovene, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, and Albanian poetry.
Other Arts: Music
David Francis's "Fake Valentine"
Reviewed by Kevin Delaney
Think Nick Drake with flashes of humor, Burt Bacharach with a raw
emotional edge or Arthur Lee with real chops, and you'll still only get
a hint of what this album is like.
Free Expression:
Streaming Liberalism: The New Air America's 24-Hour Majority Retort (See also, article from [ABC News]
Legal Forum:
"Limited Sovereignty" and "Constitutional Torture": A Confederacy of Oxymorons
by Maureen Holm
Print Series:
thanks for all of your orders by email query, we now offer a convenient
listing and order form. You may still inquire about any Headwaters
Print Series or monograph you don't see listed here by writing to us. Query Monographs of work appearing in the popular Jun '01 Vietnam issue are now available again.
We are preparing Big City Lit's collection for 2003.
(The editors invite for publication well-written letters or speakeasy
pieces on any topic of concern or interest to the magazine's readers.
See Letters Page for length, language, and other details.)
~ . ~ The magazine is intended to be read in Palatino, and preferably in Netscape. ~ . ~
Note to contributors: To cite your work in the Archive,
indicate the month, e.g. Jun2001/contents/poetrydusk.html.
 Rain of One Ocean The LyR 2002 Carnegie Collection Poetry (64 pp) $15 (7x8.5 full color cover)
 Degrees of Apprenticeship: Sarah Lawrence mfa Collection Poetry (56 pp) or Prose (64 pp) $10 each (full color)
 Distance from the Tree poems on fathers (64 pp $10) (full color) Dana Gioia, Alice Notley, D. Nurkse, James Ragan, Ron Price et al.
