Spring-Summer 2004 Magazine Contest Details
Questions: editors@nycBigCityLit.com or, if full, to editorbigcitylit@aol.com
Poetry Chapbook:
The magazine invites submissions of 16-24 pages of (primarily) unpublished poems, including title page, table of contents, acknowledgments, and bio note. No theme restriction, but prefer cohesive cycles. Format: MSW 98 or 95 TNR 12 (14 for titles; initial caps only). Send hard copy (separate page for each title, but not section) with disc, SA postcard, and $15 check or money order to Big City Lit, Contest/Poetry, Box 1141, Cathedral Sta. NY 10025. MSS not returned; all work considered for magazine publication. Postmarked between March 21 and September 15, 2004 (extended to September 21). Winner and finalists announced in late October. Nice quality, full-color cover publication by Headwaters/Hudson Press, NY, 25 copies (others at discount), special magazine spread and review (see Oct '02), plus magazine-sponsored reading and awards presentation.
Individual Poem:
Relevant guidelines, as above, apply. Fee: $6/poem.
Relevant guidelines, as above, apply. Fee: Shorts (to 2000 wds) $10; standard (to 4000) $15; long (6000 max.) $20. Award announcement and magazine publication (online) in each length category. Unpublished manuscripts only.
Rev 8/9/04