the rivers of it, abridged

New York City skyline at night

Spring 2009


ISSN 1542-3123



Peter Schwartz

Somewhere I'll find a butchered grove of trees,
And pray to a father I've hardly known;
I'll sharpen my spade and begin to dig:
There's a field to be cleared, and loss endured.

—George Dickerson, "The Empire of the Stumps"









Fund for Sam Hamill and Gray Foster

Dear friends of Sam Hamill and Gray Foster, Copper Canyon Press, and Poets Against the War:

You may have heard that Sam and Gray have had some financial reverses lately. Both have also have had recent hospital stays and still need treatment not covered by insurance.…Read more


Sunday, July 5th, 2009 6:00 pm

The Same
Martin Mitchell, Host

The Cornelia Street Café
29 Cornelia Street
(b/t Bleecker & West 4th)
Cover $7 (includes one house drink)

Editor Mitchell's friends & readers include Michele Battiste, Jeanne Marie Beaumont, Kurt Brown, Theresa Burns, Michael Carman, Dean Kostos, Ann Lauinger, Amy Lemmon, Suzanne Noguere, Allison Cay Parker, Lynn Patmalnee, Margaret Ryan, Hilary Sideris, Mary Austin Speaker, Ilene Starger, Mervyn Taylor, Maria Terrone, Estha Weiner, Carolyn Whittle, Anne Pierson Wiese, Michael T. Young.


Wednesday, July 8th, 2009, 6:00 pm

BigCityLit Reading
The Cornelia Street Café
29 Cornelia Street
(b/t Bleecker & West 4th)
Cover $7 (includes one house drink)

Featuring poets from the Spring 2009 issue, including Patricia Carragon, Allen C. Fischer, Deborah Flanagan,
Joanne Grumet, Ann Lauinger, Linda Lerner, Charlotte Mandel, Mark Nickels, D. Nurkse, eve packer, Ron Price, Kryssa Schemmerling, Peter Schwartz, Maggie Schwed, Barry Wallenstein, Rob Wright and Angelo Verga


Call for submissions: Fall 2009

(Note: List is not restrictive nor preclusive of other themes.)
Epigrams; Moving/Motion; Dust; Corridors; Insects; Cemeteries; Smoking; Infanticide; Surrealism; Timepieces; Kites; Suicide; 'Lovesick'; Hands and Gloves; Wells; Windmills; and Small Town Wherewithal.  (Bolding indicates features which are scheduled to appear very soon.)
Consult Submissions for guidelines, Masthead for editorial policy.
Please query first on articles over 750 words.


In This Issue: Spring 2010


The Road and the Sky:This Spring's collection includes work by Joel Allegretti, Max Blecher (Valery Oisteanu and Nadia Brunstein, trans), Laurel Blossom, Philip Dacey, Stephanie Dickinson, Allen C. Fischer, Joanne Grumet, Pamela Hart, Kate Irving, Dean Kostos, Richard Levine, Nicole Martinez, Philip Miller, Michael Morical, Richard Pearse, Ellen Peckham, Bertha Rogers, Carl Rosenstock, Anna Soo-Hoo, Susan Tepper, Matthew J. Spireng, Melinda Thomsen, George Wallace, Barry Wallenstein, Chocolate Waters, Estha Weiner, Martin Willets, Jr., and Rob Wright



Lust Series, Stephanie Dickinson


Big City, Little:

Having Almost Forgotten Why I Was Here,, Jared Smith



A discussion with Maya Pindyck by Kristina Marie Darling



Richard Pearse,Compromise, I Tell My Flock

Sarah White,For Want of Fish

Richard Thieme, Northward into the Night



Patrick Henry, The Conscience of Vienna



Max Blecher (1909-1938): A Centenary Remembrance by Valery Oisteanu



Peering Through Perfect Dark: New Poems by Susan Maurer, reviewed by George Wallace

Psyche's Weather by Cynthia Atkins, reviewed by Philip Miller



New Additions:

Thrum, Joel Allegretti

That Country's Soul, Richard Levine



Matthew Ryan: Dear Lover



Monday, June 14th, 6:00 pm

BigCityLit Reading
Host: Nick Johnson
The Cornelia Street Café
29 Cornelia Street
(b/t Bleecker & West 4th)
$7 admission includes one drink

Featuring: work by Joel Allegretti, Allen C. Fischer, Joanne Grumet, Pamela Hart, Kate Irving, Dean Kostos, Richard Levine, Philip Miller, Ellen Peckham, Bertha Rogers, Carl Rosenstock, Anna Soo-Hoo, Susan Tepper, Melinda Thomsen, Barry Wallenstein, Chocolate Waters, Estha Weiner and Rob Wright

{Check-in for future events}



Big City Lit welcomes letters from its readers. Address correspondence to


Print Series:

All Print Series Suspended



For the present, all Contests suspended.


Masthead Notes:

As we say good-bye to those no longer with us, we are pleased to announce new contributing editors Martin Mitchell, George Wallace and Barry Wallenstein; regular contributor Allen C. Fischer; and Associate Editor Elena Kondracki.


Contributing Editors:

Martin Mitchell, Barry Wallenstein, James Ragan, Patrick Henry (UK), Diana Manister, Philip Miller, Margo Berdeshevsky, George Wallace, Larissa Shmailo, Brant Lyon