Hilary Sideris
Of Iron
I know ligo,
a little, Ellinica.
I make a pot of avgo-
lemono feeling a fever
coming on, pray to
small gods called
saints who do favors
& specialize. A semi-
colon is a question
mark in Greek. Sideris
means blacksmith
like Ferraro & Eisenstein,
but siderenios, of iron,
said to a friend
facing adversity,
means stay strong.
Hilary Sideris has recently published poems in The American Journal of Poetry, Bellevue Literary Review, Free State Review, Gravel, Mom Egg Review, Pif, Rhino, Room, Salamander, Sylvia and Women’s Studies Quarterly, among others. Her new book, Animals in English, poems after Temple Grandin, is just out from Dos Madres Press.